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23. Feb 2017


Team events at sofatutor have always been challenging but this year’s latest event topped it all. After weeks of rehearsals with our professional coaches from “Die Bandarbeiter”, we performed at our very own music festival as rap legends and rock bands.

As the big day arrived, even the toughest colleagues had to admit, that their knees were a bit shaky. But thanks to the lovely tasting craft beer of our wonderful hosts, the BRLO Brewhouse, all nerves were easily soothed and stage fright was turned into anticipation.
To get into a rockstar’s perspective, we all changed into our costumes and put on make-up. The line-up and looks ranged from 80’s to Beastie Boys all the way to Oasis. Being part of the audience and also performing on stage formed a unique sense of community. So, when the concert started, the crowd cheered no matter how talented, ambitious or improvised the act was.

But, sometimes pictures say more than words. So please, have a glimpse into our 15 minutes of fame and probably a once in a lifetime experience for all of us:

Heads up for our Heads-Band and their performance of Lauryn Hill’s Doo-Wop (That girl).

No sign of stage fright.

The evening started and ended with cake and a special birthday song for our lovely HR lady Lena and our founder Stephan.

The best audience ever.

Adiba and Stephan presented the line-up.

The performance of ‘We will rock you’ won the cheering contest.

Check out the venue: brlo-brwhouse.de
and our coaches: die-bandarbeiter.de

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