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16. Jun 2023

Mein Schülerpraktikum im Content-Team bei sofatutor

Im April hat Olivia, die eine 9. Klasse besucht, ihr Schülerpraktikum bei sofatutor gemacht. In einer Woche hat sie unser Content-Team kennengelernt, gesehen, wie Lernvideos entstehen und selbst Illustrationen für sofatutor kreiert. In diesem Blog-Post erzählt sie selbst von ihren Erfahrungen und zeigt uns ihre eigenen sofatutor-Illustrationen:

26. Mai 2023

Personal and professional development at sofatutor: From working student IT to fullstack development

Today you will get to know Kemal, his personal and professional development at sofatutor, and his very own contribution to improving educational opportunities internationally. Kemal’s passion for alternative education and his willingness to learn opened doors to new opportunities. Through dedication, continuous learning, and a genuine desire to make a difference in the world, Kemal has made his steps from working student in IT infrastructure to fullstack development in one of our agile cross functional teams.

3. Mai 2023

Girls’ & Boys’ Day 2023 – How we are working against gender boundaries

Aiming to break down traditional gender roles and promote diversity and equality, we pursue different initiatives internally and externally as a team. This year one of them was our first participation in the Girls’ and Boys’ Day 2023, which aims to counteract prejudices of young students towards “typical” women’s and men’s professions.

2. Mär 2023

Personal & professional development @sofatutor: Talent Acquisition to People Business Partnering

Employee Development is a driving force at sofatutor, and we strive for our employees to grow within our teams.
What does this mean? We support them in improving their existing competencies, but also in developing new skills. In this post we look at Viviana’s path, learning how Employee Development can look like at sofatutor.

29. Sep 2022

My summer as working student in Talent Acquisition @sofatutor

An excerpt of my sofatutor-summer-diary: Not romantic in the traditional sense but somehow a love letter to all those learnings I made, as a working student in our talent team, these last few months between the end of my bachelor’s degree and the start of my master’s. How my journey at sofatutor started as an intern – you can read about it here.

23. Jun 2022

Get started @sofatutor: from Trainee to Team Lead

At our Family and Friends picnic in May, we not only got to know our colleagues’ favorite drinks and snacks but some interesting backgrounds and careers. In addition to many new faces in very different positions and levels, there are also some team members who “grew up” together with sofatutor. Angelina is one of them. While she joined sofatutor as Marketing Trainee nearly five years ago, she now leads Team Organic Growth herself.

16. Dez 2021

Hands-on: Praktikum & Werkstudium bei sofatutor

Als Praktikant*in und Werkstudent*in bei sofatutor erlebst du, wie nach der Hands-on-Mentalität gelebt und gearbeitet wird. Du bist wichtiger Teil deines Teams, betreust eigene Aufgabenbereiche und bringst die digitale Bildung durch dein Engagement jeden Tag ein Stückchen weiter!

4. Nov 2021

Über mein Schülerpraktikum bei sofatutor

Schon 2020 wollte ich bei sofatutor ein Praktikum machen – aber leider kam Corona dazwischen. Doch jetzt, Ende 2021, war es endlich so weit: Ich durfte für zwei Wochen vom 25.10. bis 5.11.2021 mein Schülerpraktikum absolvieren. Und was ich in diesen zwei Wochen bei sofatutor erlebt und gelernt habe, erfahrt ihr in diesem Blogartikel.

8. Aug 2019

sofatutor öffnet seine Tür zum Networken

Wir bei sofatutor haben viel Spaß am Lernen und am Kennenlernen. Deswegen öffnen wir regelmäßig unser Büro für spannende Networking-Events.

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