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22. Dez 2023

Mal deinen sofatutor Charakter - eine Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitung

Die Weihnachtsferien stehen vor der Tür, und wir bei sofatutor möchten sie gemeinsam mit dir auf besonders kreative Weise erleben! Deshalb haben wir eine Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitung zum Malen unserer sofatutor Charaktere erstellt, mit der du deine Lieblingsfigur selber malen kannst. Die Malanleitung ist perfekt für Kinder – und auch für all diejenigen geeignet, die gerne fantasievolle Charaktere gestalten möchten.

6. Jul 2023

Teacher Premium: sofatutor’s new offer for teachers and schools

In May, we launched a new offer specifically for teachers. With Teacher Premium, individual teachers can now take advantage of all the benefits of our online learning platform and share our content with their students.
In this post you’ll learn what Teacher Premium offers in detail, why it was developed and who was involved in the process.

2. Feb 2023

Learning languages playfully with our international sofatutor characters

Welcome back to our colorful family of learning characters!
A couple of weeks ago we already introduced you to sofatutor’s fictional math experts for our users in the US and the UK. As promised, in this post you will get to know our international characters in the field of English Language Arts. Many international characters are also part of sofatutor’s DACH character family. Therefore, you can use this post to take a glimpse into what sofatutor e-learning content looks like internationally.

Meet the playful e-teaching family and learn who is there to help you when you are learning English Language Arts. We are confident that our editorial and design teams will inspire you with the digital learning helpers they created and wish you a fun time with all of them!

13. Jän 2023

Learning math playfully with our international sofatutor characters

In 2023 at sofatutor, we will continue to work on providing students internationally with creative learning materials that allow them to learn at their own pace, independent of time and place. Thanks to our incredible creative content team, our content writers, illustrators, graphic and motion designers, there’s no shortage of fun in the process!
To kick off the new year, we would like to introduce you to some of our beloved sofatutor characters with whom you, your children or your students can learn and teach in 2023.

17. Nov 2022

Looking back at two months of sofatutor international

Two months ago, sofatutor went international!
On September 5th, we sat in front of our screens in anticipation as Chris, Engineering Manager in Team Green, kicked off the final technical implementation of the US website. Closely after, sofatutor also went online in the UK. How are Jane the owl and Popcorn the penguin doing in these new worlds? Today we look at how sofatutor is doing internationally, getting some first-hand information from Team Content and Marketing. What have our international teams been working on and what else is planned for this year?

21. Sep 2022

sofatutor is now available in the USA & UK!

What a journey! After many months of preparation, we can finally tell you that sofatutor is now available in the US and UK regions. Since September 5th, both websites are live and online – Go ahead and check them out via us.sofatutor.com and sofatutor.co.uk.

7. Feb 2022

E-Learning with sofatutor characters around the world. What's better than being educated by an ape?

Being educated by an axolotl or a turtle. At least James, from team content, thinks so. He is joined by Axel, the axolotl, Tank, the turtle and other sofatutor characters.
Today’s blog-post introduces you to some of our newest team members. Whether human or animal, they share the mission of making digital education creative and exciting. Since a significant part of our team is international, the blog-posts are now in English :)

11. Jän 2022

sofatutor goes international!

2021 hat uns ein Projekt besonders beschäftigt: die Internationalisierung.
Wir möchten E-Learning über die Grenzen des DACH-Marktes hinaus mitgestalten. Schüler*innen und Lehrer*innen sollen unsere digitalen Lerninhalte weltweit nutzen können.

20. Feb 2020

Discover the user needs – Agiles Arbeiten bei sofatutor

sofatutor unterstützt Schüler/-innen dabei, mit Spaß zu lernen. Um dies optimal tun zu können, müssen wir wissen, was unsere Nutzer/-innen sich von unserer Plattform wünschen. Wie agile Strukturen uns beim Arbeiten helfen, erklärt unser Agile Coach Karin.

15. Mai 2019

So geht’s digital – Bremer Bildungssenatorin Bogedan lädt zum Schulbesuch

Seit Januar 2018 arbeiten sofatutor und das Land Bremen im Rahmen eines Pilotprojekts eng zusammen. Zur Halbzeit des Projekts lud die Bremer Bildungssenatorin Dr. Claudia Bogedan zu einem Schulbesuch in die Oberschule Habenhausen nach Bremen ein.

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