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7. Feb 2022

E-Learning with sofatutor characters around the world. What's better than being educated by an ape?

Being educated by an axolotl or a turtle. At least James, from team content, thinks so. He is joined by Axel, the axolotl, Tank, the turtle and other sofatutor characters.
Today’s blog-post introduces you to some of our newest team members. Whether human or animal, they share the mission of making digital education creative and exciting. Since a significant part of our team is international, the blog-posts are now in English :)

James is from the UK and now lives in the US with his family. He has worked as a primary school teacher in both school systems and therefore brings important knowledge into our international content team. Back then, in traditional school and face-to-face teaching, James invented little stories to make his lessons exciting. Last year he joined sofatutor as content editor to follow that mission. In the international team he develops storylines for US-content and new educational videos.
Pre-tests have already shown that content produced for DACH is well received by students in the US too. Therefore US-content resembles the style and structure of DACH videos and educational games. Students around the world will learn together with Nia, the mouse, Nico, the ape and other familiar sofatutor-family members you can meet on our website.

However, we are now busy creating creative and memorable learning content that is adjusted to the new requirements in the international market. Especially because there are a few differences in what students in the US and UK want and need. So what does the perfect US or UK sofatutor character has to bring to the table? In order to find out what is important in the development of new characters, James has accompanied workshops in the beginning of the international video production process.
Meanwhile, the sofatutor family is joined by many new faces. The international content team already counts 39 members, who have created new ‘learning characters’. Two of them were guests of the last blog-post.
Jane the owl and Ernie the sloth, journalists who will soon be teaching students in the US on how to form sentences. They are now supported by Axel and Tank, two very adventurous and somewhat chaotic characters. Is that perhaps due to their creators? ;) At least James feels personally connected to them.

In 2022 we are looking forward to getting to know many more adventurous, playful and creative protagonists! We are excited about what sofatutor content in the future will be like and how it will be used internationally. James also sees great potential for US and UK teachers to use our content in classrooms, so stay tuned to see how this year develops!

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