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19. Aug 2022

Attention: Hot town, summer in the city at the sofatutor Summer Event Week

After curious waiting, we are more than excited to finally kick off our Summer Event Week next Monday! From Monday, August 22nd, to Friday, August 26th, the entire sofatutor team will get together in person, working in the office in Berlin-Friedrichshain and celebrating summer at different outdoor locations.

The ticker to the start of our Summer Event Week now only counts three days! With temperatures rising and the last weeks passing, our office management team provided some more organizational details on the schedule, locations, and hygiene concept. Despite informing us about the most relevant preparations, Samira, Iva, and Rahel managed to keep the entire company excited and looking forward to the upcoming week by only letting us glimpse into the fun part with its activities and hospitality.
What do we know for sure? Team members will arrive in Berlin within the next few days. Aim: Bringing our growing international team together for the first time in presence to celebrate common goals, successes, and simply being together.

Getting to know each other, teamwork, fun, and sun should come first in the next week. However, since the health of our team is the most important during this time, we come together under a sophisticated hygiene concept. With masks and daily tests, we want to celebrate even more carefree.

‘Hot town, summer in the city… Doesn’t seem to be a shadow in the city…’ So come, find a shady spot, grab a refreshing drink and celebrate together with us. You’re missing time to join our team for next week? No problem! Many more team events, both digital and in person, are coming up soon. To become part of them, you can easily apply for open positions on our website.

P.S. The pictures shown in this post were taken during our Summer Event last year. Stay tuned for the next posts because they’ll give you (visual) insights into this year’s celebrations.

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