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11. Aug 2022

Company-Run 2022: Leaving the sofa for team building, personal challenges and health

After two years of dry spells, our teams were all the more excited about this year’s Berlin Company Run. While some of us conquered the classical 5.5-kilometer track through Berlin Mitte, international team members joined for a jog at the same time at their location.
All supported by roadside cheerleaders and of course mental support from the rest of the team ;). We believe in: ‘Schweiß schweißt zusammen!’ (sweat welds together)

In the afternoon, our 2022 sofatutor Berlin Company-Run-Team set off together from the office. At Brandenburger Tor they were met by Iva, our office manager, who not only organized the meeting, mobilized cheerleaders, and put on motivating music, but also provided physical refreshment with drinks and snacks.

The running squad was made up of 16 sofatutor team members, all joining in different ways but sharing similar missions: Running for team building, personal challenge, or health. While some challenged themselves or team colleagues, others just ran for the fun of moving together.
Kilian, for example, challenged himself to run a kilometer in less than 4 minutes. In proper preparation for the run, he set up speed and interval training in Treptower Park and Tempelhofer Feld throughout June. Together with his team colleague Manu, he mastered one kilometer in an impressive 3 minutes and 50 seconds! In addition to mutual encouragement, also essential for this achievement? ‘Drink plenty of water before the run, and don’t skimp on the carbs.’

Carina and Mariane from Team People and Culture had a more relaxed run and used to ‘chat’ (quote Carina). The two have been jogging together regularly for years and took the event as part of their sportive routine.
And then, of course, there were the typical competitors ;) Running gag in Team Content in the weeks leading up to the run were the questions: Who will be faster? Jakob or Adina? In the end, Jakob crossed the finish line first. But no worries: There’s no bad blood between the two. Adina doesn’t begrudge him his success, and Jakob admits: ‘She pushed and motivated me. Without her, I wouldn’t have gotten this fast.’
On the other side of the world, team members didn’t want to miss out on the event either. James went for an 8km run at the same time as the company-run and happened to be there in spirit. ‘I have enjoyed being part of the company run group on slack virtually. It has been fun following everyone’s training and progress, and supporting them from the USA.’ he says.

Are you also looking for a running buddy or motivation to move? Find them at sofatutor, join our team and compete in the next company run together with us!
On our website, you can find updated vacancies and apply directly within just a few clicks.

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