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13. Apr 2023

Getting to know our benefits: Keep moving with sofatutor

Since we spend several hours a day sitting in front of our monitors or attending meetings, exercise can be a good compensation. Sports can also improve your mood and your ability to concentrate. To facilitate team members a healthy distraction from their daily work routine, sofatutor offers a variety of fitness benefits, you’ll get to know in this post.

Moving and staying active has been supported by sofatutor before, but as the company has Berlin roots, benefits were originally tailored towards Berliners. With more and more team members working outside the capital, our People Operations Team worked out a new plan on how to offer flexible options across Germany. As fitness offerings, tax and benefits law vary between countries, sofatutor’s international team members receive locally adapted benefits, adjusted case-individually. Team members located in Germany can choose between one of three different fitness offerings, that give access to traditional sports studios, to classes, but also to creative modern (online) programs.

  • The Urban Sports Club works like a fitness flat rate that is not tied to a single sport, specific studio or city. Instead, as a member, you can do exactly the sport you feel like doing anytime and anywhere across Germany. A membership, supported by sofatutor, gives access to an array of sports providers, including yoga studios, bouldering halls, fitness clubs and swimming pools.
  • FITX offers a versatile range of services. A membership, fully taken over by the company, tempts with seven different training areas, continuous opening hours 365 days a year, and training options in over 90 studios throughout Germany.
  • Fitness First offers a wide range of training options in over 120 studios throughout Germany. A fully or partly covered membership gives access to a wide range of courses and online classes. Fitness First studios partly offer saunas, a kids club, and women’s fitness.

Samira (Office and Feelgood Manager), who self-deprecatingly describes herself more as a ‘sports slacker’, finds our new fitness benefits very convenient. ‘I think the Urban Sports Club membership is particularly great, because I can try out different sports, courses and studios until I find the right one for me.’
At the moment she’s into cycling, to sweat it out, and into Yoga, to calm down and relax.
Some of those fitness benefits can be combined with our mobility benefits (such as Swapfiets, BVG, and Deutschlandticket) as well, so you’ll never have to stop moving with us :) Some employees who visit the office quite often use their Swapfiets bike for the daily commute. Not only does it allows you to enjoy time and exercise in the fresh air, moreover you are independent from the changeable whims of public transport in Berlin.

To Katrin (People Operations Manager), our company benefits are a matter of the heart and a way to express appreciation for employees. ‘It is important to us that employees not only love their work at sofatutor, but also receive appreciation after work.’ Our employees are so diverse and different, and that’s what makes sofatutor so special. A wide range of benefits should be as individual and diverse as our teams. We will continue to work actively on adjusting our benefits in the future, so that in the best case there is something for everyone.’

On the blog you can gather information on more opportunities employees at sofatutor benefit from. After reading about company internal development paths and working abroad possibilities, you may want to know what opportunities you personally have with sofatutor.
On our website you’ll always find up-to-date information about recent professional opportunities and open positions. We look forward to receiving your application!

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