Henry VIII of England

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Grundlagen zum Thema Henry VIII of England
Das Leben von Heinrich dem VIII. war sehr turbulent und seine Herrschaft viel diskutiert. Er bleibt jedoch einer der bekanntesten Monarchen Englands, nicht nur weil er England mit starker Hand zu einem Platz unter den mächtigen Ländern Europas verhalf. Was genau ihn zu diesem denkwürdigen Herrscher machte erfährst du überblickshaft in diesem Video.
Transkript Henry VIII of England
England, 1547 – in the royal palace, they are preparing for the worst. The king is on his deathbed. King Henry VIII. When the 18-year-old Henry ascended to the throne in 1509, his subjects were enamored of him. Adored by women and supported by wily advisors, Henry relished being thought of as England’s true savior. He was celebrated as an aesthete and an enlightened ruler who had inherited Europe’s most glamorous throne. Friendly with the leading lights of the age, Henry laid the foundation for England’s emergence as a global power. Nowadays, however, he is best remembered as the mad monarch who risked the future of his country for the love of a young maiden. He’s seen as a killer who had two of his six wives executed, and as a tyrant who had thousands of his subjects tortured and murdered. He is also the king who destroyed the English monasteries and who broke with the Catholic Church to make himself head of England’s church. Through four decades, Henry steered England from the Middle Ages to the modern age. In his early days, he was a visionary; later on, obstinate and self-indulgent. History’s judgment of Henry VIII remains as confusing and conflicting as the life of the English king himself. For some, he was an obese, ruthless and bloodthirsty despot whose death from diabetes was a just reward, while for others, his memory is that of the iron-fisted ruler who contributed greatly to making England a true force on the European stage.
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